25 October 2023

New updates and improvements for Wallet and NFT API. Mainly the move from custodial to non-custodial.

Wallet API [0.45.0]


  • Error Messages
    Errors messages are now consistent and aligned between transactions and signatures endpoints.


  • Migrate Wallets to non-custodial
    Custodial or WHITE_LABEL wallets can now be migrated to non-custodial using the endpoint, with a "custodial" : "false" in the request body.
PATCH /api/wallets/{id}/walletType
  • Migrate Wallets to non-custodial when you link a wallet to a user
    When you create a sub-user and link a wallet to them, the wallet will automatically migrate to non-custodial. Please create an emergency_code signing method for your sub-users.


  • walletType removed
    The walletType parameter has been removed when creating a new wallet. Now you don't have to specify this parameter in the request body, as our Wallet-API will automatically create non-custodial wallets, with "walletType" : "API_WALLET".

Market API [0.32.0]


  • Technical bug fixes