These docs are for v1.0. Click to read the latest docs for v3.0.

Deprecating Market & Market-API

The Venly Market and the Market-API will be decommissioned on August 31st, 2024. Please ensure you withdraw any remaining funds before this date. Any open listings will automatically be canceled on the 31st of August.


Polygon & Avalanche Faucet

Introducing the Faucet, built into our Developer portal can be used to request testnet MATIC and AVALANCHE tokens. You can request 0.5 MATIC and 0.5 AVALANCHE tokens every 24 hours using wallets created with Venly.


New Pricing Structure

Venly has changed its pricing structure from product-based to platform-based subscriptions. Now you can access all API products and SDKs with a single subscription. The first subscription plan (Professional Plan) comes with a free 14-day trial and access to all products in Staging and Production. More subscription plans coming soon.


Migration from Mumbai to Amoy for Polygon Testnet

Venly has migrated from the Mumbai testnet to the Amoy testnet for Polygon (MATIC). Effective immediately all assets in MATIC testnet wallets have been wiped clean. The testnet chain for Polygon has migrated to Amoy from Mumbai because it can process more transactions and has lower fees. The Amoy testnet offers a low-risk setting for developing, testing, and experimenting with projects.


Retrieve all token mints endpoint

  • A new endpoint has been added to the NFT-API which allows you to retrieve all token mint requests.
  • A new way to filter your tokens based on tokenTypeId for the Get All Tokens Endpoint.
  • Addition of a timestamp of the creation of mints in the response body for specific endpoints.


Introducing Webhooks for the Wallet-API and NFT-API. Configure webhooks and receive notifications for successful/failed transactions, contract creation, token-type creation, and token mints.


NSFW Filter + Bug Fixes

Introducing the new release of Wallet-API version 0.49.0 which includes bug fixes and a new way to filter and check if your NFTs are marked as NSFW.


Dynamic NFTs

Introducing Dynamic NFTs, which allows you to update the metadata of already minted NFTs This could include altering the appearance, traits, and metadata associated with the NFT. Now engage with digital assets more dynamically.


BASE & XPLA Support

BASE and XPLA have been added to the supported blockchains in Wallet-API. Now you can create XPLA/BASE wallets.


Token-type Creation Update

Update on a breaking change for the NFT-API v2.0, specifically for the token-type creation endpoint.