Quickstart Guide

Jumpstart Your Venly Journey and Get Up and Running Quickly!

We're excited to help you integrate Venly's blockchain technology into your applications. Our APIs and SDKs provide your users with the ability to easily interact with blockchain networks, without requiring them to manage their own wallets or understand the underlying technology.

This documentation hub is your go-to resource for everything Venly. Whether you're a seasoned blockchain developer or just starting out, you'll find all the information you need to get started with Venly's products and services.

From detailed API reference guides to step-by-step tutorials, we've got you covered. We're excited to see what you'll create with Venly, so let's dive in and start building!

Let's start by showing you how to create an account, afterward, we can take a look at the different products we offer.

Account Registration

To get started, it is necessary to create an account in our Developer Portal to gain access to Venly's suite of products.

Follow the steps below:

  1. Head over to the Developer Portal
  2. Log in with your Google account or email
  3. Accept the terms and conditions
  4. Enter details about you and your business

To create an account, simply click here or surf to https://portal.venly.io.You can register using your email address or take advantage of the convenient Social login options available.

Venly Portal

Venly Portal

After successfully registering, you will be directed to the overview page. From here you can click on Start trial to start a 14-day trial which includes access to all production and sandbox products.

New Pricing Plan - Venly

New Pricing Plan - Venly

Choose a product

The next step involves selecting the most suitable products to meet your requirements. For a comprehensive overview of our different solutions, we recommend referring to our Product Overview. Each product comes with a 30-day trial period, providing ample time to explore and familiarize yourself with its features and functionalities.


Signing up for a trial does not require a credit card.

During the trial period, you will have access to our sandbox environment, which seamlessly connects to the various testnets of the supported blockchains. Click here to view all the blockchain test networks we support. It's important to note that signing up for a trial does not require any credit card information, ensuring a hassle-free experience.

Venly Widget

Venly Widget

How to connect

Find your access credentials in the App Configuration section, you can use the toggle in the top right corner to switch between your Sandbox and Production credentials.


There are two types of access credentials:

  • Sandbox Credentials (For the sandbox environment)
  • Production Credentials (For the production environment)

You can switch between the access credentials from the Portal by hitting the toggle button.

User's Access Credentials

User's Access Credentials

Basic Authentication flow

A Client ID is paired with a client secret allowing you to obtain aBearer token for accessing various endpoints.


Learn how to authenticate with different Venly products.

Here is a small diagram explaining the authentication flow.

Authentication Flow

Authentication Flow

Trial vs Subscription

With the free trial you can run API call's on a sandbox environment, play around with Testnet Blockchains, and topup with TestNet coins via a faucet. The sandbox environment connects you to testnet-blockchains, offering a secure space to test and develop your ideas. Here, you can carry out tests on the testnets without any risk to real cryptocurrency or NFTs.

Trial vs Subscription

Trial vs Subscription


The trial credentials can only be used on a sandbox environment. Please click here to view details of environments and networks.

Need some test currency for your projects? You can use the testnet-faucets to receive testnet cryptocurrency, enabling you to simulate transactions and explore various scenarios.


Click here to learn how to use a faucet.

Once you've mastered the sandbox environment, it's time to step into the production environment. In the production environment, you'll be working with real-world blockchains, actual cryptocurrencies, and NFTs.

When you purchase a subscription from our plans, then you will be able to run the API calls on a production environment.

Visit the Developer Portal for more details about the subscription plans and pricing.

What’s Next

Check out our different products