Pin Reset

How can I reset or change 6 digit pin

sending wrong money

I sent 6.78 USDC from my Venly account to my wallet 0x51E8eafCD80bf5EeE70d690949543B4dCCaE696c, but my USDCs did not arrive in my account because I sent them on the Avax network, can you please help?

How to move GAIMIN DGA between wallets

GAIMIN app created more than one BNB wallet but only the latest is showing. Previous Wallet is not should anymore but I have DGA on the old wallet, how do I transfer it across? <br>


Hello, I want to make a transaction in the wallet, but it asks me for a PIN, I do not have the PIN code or emergency code, what can I do?

Venly address

Whatever do I find my address in my wallet , need to copy and paste it for Gaimin

PIN ????

Hi, i created my wallet loggin in with my google account but now for transaction it ask me for a PIN code that I don't have. what should i do ???

I got 404 error during creation of my BNB Wallet



How do i withdraw from my Venly wallet? Ive got 128,000 tokens in my wallet however when i request a withdraw its saying i dont have enough funds in my wallet to support the transaction?

Wallet Recovery

Hi. i have created BSC wallet with GAIMIN app but i dont have recovery phrases. How can i find that and transfer my wallet to Trust wallet? Thank you.

How can I ask for a pincode reset

Good morning, I'm trying to access my wallet, and it asks me to 'Migrate your wallets to non-custodial ones' When asked for my pin, i write the one I heve stored, and it's not correct. Can I have a new one, please? What or where must I do in order to get a pincode?