JUMP TORetrieve a Bearer TokenHow to authenticateBearer Token EndpointFetch Bearer TokenpostWallet APIWallet-API HealthCheck HealthgetUserGet all UsersgetCreate UserpostGet User by IDgetUpdate User’s ReferenceputDelete UserdeleteCreate User’s Signing MethodpostUpdate User’s Signing MethodputDelete User’s Signing MethoddeleteWalletGet WalletgetUpdate WalletpatchGet all WalletsgetCreate WalletpostExport WalletpostImport WalletpostValidate Wallet AddressgetGet all Wallet EventsgetLink Wallet to UserputUpdate Wallet PIN codepatchBalanceGet native Balance by walletIdgetGet all ERC20 Token Balance by walletIdgetGet specific ERC20 Token Balance by walletId and token addressgetGet Token Associations for Hedera WalletgetGet native Balance by Chain and Wallet AddressgetGet ERC20 Balance by Chain and Wallet AddressgetGet specific ERC20 Token Balance by Chain, Wallet Address, and Token AddressgetTransactionsGet all TransactionsgetExecute TransactionpostPrepare Transaction for Specific ChainpostGet gas fee for a specific txpostGet Transaction StatusgetGet Gas Price for a ChaingetResubmit TransactionpostCancel TransactionpostSignaturesGet Signature Request by userIdgetCreate and Sign SignaturepostPrepare SignaturepostConfirm SignaturepostSign SignaturepostBuild Signature RequestpostVerify Signed SignaturepostGet Signature Request by idgetDelete Signature Request by iddeleteContractRead ContractpostGet Wallets that contain NFT from a specific ContractgetNon-FungiblesGet NFTs by walletIdgetGet NFTs by ChaingetGet NFTs by Chain and Wallet AddressgetGet NFT contractgetGet NFT informationgetGet Wallets that contain specific NFTsgetGet Token Allowances for Hedera NFTsgetToken SwappingGet Token PairsgetGet Exchange RategetBuild SwappostChainGet Block information by ChaingetGet all supported ChainsgetSecurity EndpointGet Venly Public KeygetPAY APIPAY-API HealthCheck HealthgetFiat On/Off RampGet supported fiat and crypto currenciesgetTransak OnramppostTransak OfframppostRamp Network OnramppostRamp Network OfframppostMoonpay OnramppostMoonpay OfframppostCheckoutCreate Checkout LinkpostGet Checkout StatusgetGet Line ItemsgetCheckout BrandingUpload IconpostCustomize Checkout PagepostStripe DashboardGet Stripe Dashboard Login LinkgetWebhooksCreate a WebhookpostGet WebhooksgetUpdate a WebhookputDelete a WebhookdeleteToken APIToken-API HealthCheck HealthgetGet Supported ChainsGet Supported ChainsgetERC20 ContractCreate contractpostCheck token contract statusgetGet all contractsgetGet contracts by chain and contract addressgetArchive ContractdeleteUpdate token contract ownerputMint ERC20 TokensMint ERC20 tokenspostGet All ERC20 Token MintsgetCheck token mint statusgetCompany WalletsGet All Company WalletsgetGet Company Wallets by ChaingetDelete Company WalletdeleteNFT APINFT-API HealthCheck HealthgetGet Supported ChainsGet Supported ChainsgetCompany WalletsGet All Company WalletsgetGet Company Wallets by ChaingetDelete Company WalletdeleteContractGet all contractsgetCreate ContractpostCheck Contract StatusgetUpdate Contract OwnerputUpdate Royalty for NFT ContractputGet Contract by Chain and Contract AddressgetArchive ContractdeleteContract MetadataGet Contract MetadatagetUpdate Contract MetadatapatchToken-TypesGet All Token-typesgetCreate Token-typepostCheck Token-type StatusgetGet Specific Token-type DetailsgetArchive Token-typedeleteToken-Type MetadataGet Token-type MetadatagetUpdate Token-type MetadataputMint TokensGet All TokensgetGet All Token MintsgetMint TokenspostCheck Token Mint StatusgetGet Specific Token DetailsgetArchive a TokendeleteToken MetadataGet Token MetadatagetUpdate PropertyputDelete PropertydeleteAdd AttributepostUpdate AttributeputDelete AttributedeleteUpdate Animation URLsputDelete Animation URLsdeleteMediaUpload Media FilepostUpload ImagepostPowered by Get all Usersget https://api-wallet-sandbox.venly.io/api/usersThis endpoint retrieves all your users.