Create sub-user
Create a sub-user in the marketplace.
The Market API will be discontinued, in Q3 2024 we will be sunsetting this product
Each master user can have a list of sub-users in our marketplace API. A master user can call the API referencing a specific sub-user, on which behalf the operation will be performed.
Request Endpoint: reference
POST /users
Parameter | Param Type | Description | Data Type | Mandatory |
type | Body | We only allow the type: SUB_USER | String | ✅ |
nickname | Body | A nickname for your sub user to identify them | String | ❌ |
Example Request:
"type": "SUB_USER",
"nickname": "johndoe"
Response Body:
"success": true,
"result": {
"id": "8cf5f1a8-b3bb-4a81-9f1c-c1746d8eb59f",
"nickname": "johndoe via MarketplaceMasterUser",
"type": "SUB_USER",
"parentUserId": "dd4956c5-c292-4996-b7dc-2f4d1e58d6b0"
Updated 4 months ago