Getting started

Learn how to get up and running with the native integration of the Venly Widget.

Getting up and running with Venly Widget

In this guide, we will walk through the steps required to start with the native integration of the Widget.



  • In this guide, we will be integrating the widget natively.
  • All of the steps will be performed on JS Fiddles.
  • We will work with sandbox credentials.
  • All functions will be performed on sandbox environment.


  1. Your Widget Client ID (Can be obtained from the Developer Portal)
  2. Finished configuring the Widget

Authenticating the Widget

To communicate with Venly, a Client ID is required along with whitelisted domains, from which you can perform the widget calls.


Learn more about Widget authentication

Initializing/Including the Widget

Step 1: Including the widget

When running on the JS Fiddle, you can add the following code in your HTML to include the Widget:

<head> <title>Venly Widget</title> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <!--Including the widget--> </head>


Including the Widget in a JavaScript Framework

Step 2: Initializing the Widget, with Venly Connect

Create a VenlyConnect instance with your Client ID with the following script. Your Venly Client ID is required when calling this function, as it identifies your app to Venly. We have also specified the sandbox environment here.

const venlyConnect = new VenlyConnect('your_client_id', { environment: 'sandbox' });

The VenlyConnect object is your entry point to the rest of the widget functionalities.


Initializing the Widget in a JavaScript Framework

Step 3: Getting the basics ready

Following is a JS Fiddle whose code you can easily copy and try yourself. We have added HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code. Following is a brief explanation of the code:


  • Included the widget in a <script>
  • Added image URL of the Venly logo (You can replace this with your own)
  • Created a button called Connect with Widget (getAccount() function will be added later)
  • Created a <textarea> to display the response
  • Added basic h1, h2, and body tags


  • Copy the CSS code as it is (You can make changes according to your company color scheme)


  • Initialized the Widget with a Testaccount Client Id (add your own Client Id here) and set the environment as sandbox
  • Created a function that will output the response of the function calls in a human-readable manner

Connecting with Widget

Now let's learn how your end-user will connect with the widget.

  • Defined a constant called chain and set the value as MATIC. You can pick from the list of other chains we support. All the functions and wallet creations will happen on our selected MATIC chain.
  • Added a getAccount() function which will allow your end-user to quickly sign in or sign up if they don't have an account.
  • Added the getProfile() function which will fetch your end-user profile details.
  • Added the logOut() function to log out the currently logged-in user.
  • In the HTML section, we created and assigned the relevant buttons.


  • Replace the Testaccount with your Client Id.
  • Try the JS Fiddle yourself.

Creating Wallets

Next, let's see how to create wallets. Since you are currently using the sandbox environment, the wallets will be created on a testnet chain.

In this next fiddle, we have:

  • Added the manageWallets() function that accepts the chain variable (we previously defined the chain constant and assigned it MATIC value).
  • The manageWallets() function allows your users to connect existing wallets with your app, or create new wallets.
  • Added the getWallets() function which will fetch all of your user's wallets. (this function will fetch details for all your user's wallets including the wallet address)
  • In the HTML section, we created and assigned the relevant buttons.


  • Try the fiddle yourself and create 2 wallets.
  • Next try the Get All Wallets to view your wallets.

Example as a new user

  • Using the Fiddle, first, connect your account.
  • Next, click on Manage Wallets, and a pop-up will appear.
  • You can either sign in or sign up using the provided options.
  • Click on Create new wallet.
  • Enter your 6-digit PIN for the wallet and click Submit. Confirm the PIN again.
  • Next, it is mandatory to enable an emergency code that can be used for PIN resets.
  • Copy the emergency code and save it somewhere safe. Click continue.
  • Your new wallet will be created!
  • Do this again to create a second wallet.
Create new wallet as a new user

Create new wallet as a new user

Example as an existing user

  • Using the Fiddle, first, connect your account.
  • Next, click on Manage Wallets, and a pop-up will appear.
  • You can also view and connect your existing wallets.
  • Scroll to the bottom and click on Create new wallet.
  • Enter your 6-digit PIN for the wallet and click Submit.
  • Your new wallet will be created!
  • Do this again to create a second wallet.
Create a new wallet

Create a new wallet as an existing user

You now have two wallets on the Polygon (MATIC) testnet blockchain. Let's explore how to add testnet tokens to your wallet using the Polygon Amoy Faucet.


Learn more about testnet tokens and Faucets.

Topping Up Wallet

To request tokens from the Venly Faucet, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Go to Venly's Developer Portal and navigate to Faucet.
  2. Choose the token you want to request, in this case, choose MATIC.
  3. Enter your wallet address or wallet UUID associated with Venly. This ensures that the tokens are sent to the correct wallet
  4. Click on the "Request tokens" button to submit your request. Tokens will be sent to your wallet shortly after.
Request MATIC testnet tokens

Request MATIC testnet tokens


Now you should have some MATIC tokens in your first wallet while your second wallet is empty.

Execute Crypto Transfer

Next, we will see how to execute a crypto transaction where we will send tokens from your first wallet to the second wallet.

In the next fiddle, we have:

  • Added an executeTransfer() function that will carry out the transfer of tokens from your first wallet to the second. It accepts the following fields:
    • walletId: The walletId of the wallet executing the transaction (first wallet)
    • to: The recipients wallet address (second wallet)
    • value: Amount of tokens to transfer
    • secretType: The blockchain of the transaction (in this case, MATIC)
  • Added the getBalance() function which fetches the balance of a wallet by walletId.
  • In the HTML section, we created and assigned the relevant buttons.


  • Click on the Get All Wallets button and copy the respective data required for the executeTransfer() function.
  • Modify the data for the executeTransfer() function.
  • Modify the walletId for the getBalance() function by adding the walletId of the second wallet.
  • Save and run the fiddle again. Connect with the widget and click on Get Balance, in the result the balance field will be 0.
  • Now click on Execute Transfer:
    • A pop-up will appear.
    • Confirm the details of the transaction and click Submit.
    • Enter your 6-digit PIN and click Submit.
    • You will see Sign successful message and the pop-up will close.
Executing Crypto Transaction

Executing Crypto Transaction

  • Copy and save the transactionHash that you get in the response body.
  • Next, click on the Get Balance again and the balance of your second wallet will be >0.
  • Alternatively, you can also check the status of the transaction by pasting the transactionHash on the Polygon Testnet Explorer (in case of MATIC).
Check transaction status

Checking the status of a Matic transaction on


From the Get Balance you can confirm that your very first transaction was successful.

Integrate blockchain with Venly

Schedule a demo with our team to explore tailored solutions or dive in and start building right away on our portal.

What’s Next

Continue to learn about additional functions for the widget.

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