Update contract owner
This guide describes how to update the owner of an NFT contract.
Update contract owner
This endpoint is used to update the owner
of an NFT contract. The updated owner will have admin rights to the contract.
Request Endpoint: reference
PUT /api/v3/erc1155/contracts/{chain}/{contractAddress}/owner
Example Request
PUT /api/v3/erc1155/contracts/MATIC/0x44260f782c8ae2cf62e31051920d206d19b475e5/owner
Request Body
Parameter | Param Type | Description | Data Type | Required |
chain | Path | This is the blockchain of the NFT contract. | String | ✅ |
contractAddress | Path | The NFT contract address whose owner you wish to update. | String | ✅ |
owner | Request Body | The wallet address who will be the new owner of this NFT contract. The owner will have admin rights on the contract | String | ✅ |
"owner": "0x7312750DF4d2057b758a61C7017729c6Ec9bB3E9"
Response Body
You can check the transaction hash in a blockchain explorer to verify that the
of the NFT contract was updated successfully.
"success": true,
"result": {
"transactionHash": "0x8f59b128730a595a1f7571a48e8537aa33ea807f92fb3e324b16c24ee6c4b9f2"
Updated 23 days ago