
Data structure for performing a non-fungible token transfer.


{ walletId! : string; to! : string; secretType! : SecretType; tokenAddress!: string; tokenId!: number; data? : string; value! : BigDecimal; chainSpecificFields? : object; }


walletIdTrueStringID of the wallet one wants to sign with.
toTrueStringDestination address of the transaction. Can be an address or an email address.
secretTypeTrueSecretTypeChain the transaction will be executed on.
tokenAddressTrueStringAddress of the token
tokenIdTrueNumberID of the non-fungible token or ERC20 token inside ERC1155
dataFalseStringData you want to send. This field will be ignored when building a token transaction request
valueTrueNumberToken value that should be transferred.
chainSpecificFieldsFalseObjectThis field can be used to pass properties specific to a chain. More info: Chain specific fields



{ "walletId" : "adc4c08a-b8fa-4e4c-z5a2-92c87b80f174", "to" : "0xdc71b72db51e227e65a45004ab2798d31e8934c9", "secretType" : "VECHAIN", "tokenAddress" : "0x4df47b4969b2911c966506e3592c41389493953b", "from" : "0x89e01cEC55D718fA1Bf6B00fF21e6707cd9A3067", "tokenId" : 1 }

With Hedera Memo

{ "secretType": "HEDERA", "walletId": "d1e091d7-0fab-4f46-8afd-ad31f1e735d7", "to": "0.0.2278508", "from": "0.0.2281614", "tokenAddress": "0.0.2850147", "tokenId": "2", "chainSpecificFields": { "transactionMemo": "0.0.2810009" } }

Function Types


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