
    id!: string;
    address!: string;
    walletType?: WalletType;
    secretType!: SecretType;
    archived!: boolean;
    alias?: string = '';
    description?: string = '';
    primary?: boolean;
    balance?: WalletBalance;
    hasCustomPin?: false;
    status!: string;
    createdAt?: Date;
    lastUpdated?: number = 0;


idstringWallet ID
addressstringBlockchain address
walletTypeWalletTypeType of the wallet
secretTypeSecretTypeType of the blockchain
archivedbooleanIs the wallet archived
aliasstringWallet alias
descriptionstringWallet description
primarybooleanIs the wallet the primary wallet for the secretType?
balanceWalletBalanceNative token balance of the wallet
hasCustomPinbooleanHas the wallet a custom pin.
createdAtDateCreation date
lastUpdatednumberLast updated


  "id" : "1",
  "address" : "0xdc72b72db54e227e65a45004ab2798d31e8934c2",
  "walletType" : "THREEWAY_SHARED",
  "secretType" : "ETHEREUM",
  "createdAt" : [ 2019, 11, 23, 22, 46, 32 ],
  "archived" : false,
  "alias" : "aliasEth",
  "description" : "descriptionEth",
  "primary" : false,
  "hasCustomPin" : false,
  "balance" : {
    "available" : false,
    "secretType" : "ETHEREUM",
    "balance" : 1.0,
    "gasBalance" : 1.0,
    "symbol" : "ETH",
    "gasSymbol" : "ETH",
    "rawBalance" : "1000000000000000000",
    "rawGasBalance" : "1000000000000000000",
    "decimals" : 18