Customize Checkout Branding

This guides explains how you can customize the checkout page with colors and your company logo.

Customize Branding for the Checkout Page

You can customize the checkout page by incorporating your business logo and chosen color scheme.

1.1 Upload icon

Personalize your checkout page by adding your business icon or logo. To begin, upload your chosen icon.


The icon must be a square image and have a minimum size of 128px x 128px.

Request Endpoint: reference

POST /account/settings/branding/icon

Request Body:

ParameterTypeDescriptionRequest Type
iconFileA square icon image with a minimum size of 128px x 128px.multipart/form-data

Response Body:


Save the first id field. This is the icon ID, and will be used when customizing the checkout page.

    "id": "file_1Nk6WcFdbOilQPiZLgnem6MT",
    "object": "file",
    "created": 1693233282,
    "expires_at": null,
    "filename": "icon5243171464818044029venly logo.jpg",
    "links": {
        "object": "list",
        "data": [],
        "has_more": false,
        "url": "/v1/file_links?file=file_1Nk6WcFdbOilQPiZLgnem6MT"
    "purpose": "business_icon",
    "size": 9231,
    "title": null,
    "type": "jpg",
    "url": ""

1.2 Customize the checkout page

You can select a primary color for the left side of the checkout page, and a secondary color for the PAY button. The checkout page will also feature your icon.

Request Endpoint: reference

POST /account/settings/branding

Request Body:

settings.branding.primary_colorstringA color hex code to customize your checkout page.
settings.branding.secondary_colorstringA color hex code to customize the PAY button.
settings.branding.iconstringThis is the id of your previously uploaded icon. You can find it in the previous endpoint’s response body.


Click here to read Stripe documentation for this endpoint.

Example Request:

In this example, we will customize the checkout URL with the following properties:

POST /account/settings/branding
  "settings": {
    "branding": {
      "primary_color": "#BF40BF", 
      "secondary_color": "#000000",
      "icon": "file_1Nk6WcFdbOilQPiZLgnem6MT"

Customized Checkout URL Preview

The logo is evident on the top. The primary color is applied on the left side, while the secondary color is applied on the Pay button.

Checkout Preview

Checkout Preview