Retrieve native balance

How to retrieve the native balance of a wallet.

Retrieve the native balance of a wallet by:

  1. The wallet id
  2. The blockchain and wallet address

1. Get native balance by wallet id


Read how to get all token balances by wallet id.

Request Endpoint: reference

GET /api/wallets/{walletId}/balance
ParameterParam TypeDescriptionData TypeMandatory
{walletId}PathThe ID of the walletString

Example Request

GET /api/wallets/f21dc1e5-4253-487e-8927-3b5247437f99/balance

Response Body

    "success": true,
    "result": {
        "available": true,
        "secretType": "MATIC",
        "balance": 0.2,
        "gasBalance": 0.2,
        "symbol": "MATIC",
        "gasSymbol": "MATIC",
        "rawBalance": "200000000000000000",
        "rawGasBalance": "200000000000000000",
        "decimals": 18

2. Get native balance by blockchain and wallet address


Read how to get all token balances by by blockchain and wallet address.

Request Endpoint: reference

GET /api/wallets/{secretType}/{walletAddress}/balance
ParameterParam TypeDescriptionData TypeMandatory
{secretType}PathIndication on which chain the balance should be fetchedString
{walletAddress}PathThe address of the walletString

Example Request

GET /api/wallets/MATIC/0x8fC378e105F80d340489B28519cfEDaF8ecE1944/balance

Response Body

    "success": true,
    "result": {
        "available": true,
        "secretType": "MATIC",
        "balance": 0.2,
        "gasBalance": 0.2,
        "symbol": "MATIC",
        "gasSymbol": "MATIC",
        "rawBalance": "200000000000000000",
        "rawGasBalance": "200000000000000000",
        "decimals": 18