Retrieve token contracts
How to retrieve the information of one or all of your ERC20 token contracts.
Retrieve information about a specific ERC20 token contract, or get all your ERC20 token contracts.
1. Get a specific ERC20 token contract by chain and contract address
Request Endpoint: reference
GET /api/v3/erc20/contracts/{chain}/{contractAddress}
Parameter | Param Type | Description | Data Type | Mandatory |
{chain} | Path | The blockchain of the token contract | String | ✅ |
{contractAddress} | Path | The token contract address whose details you want to fetch | String | ✅ |
Example Request:
GET /api/v3/erc20/contracts/MATIC/0x1e857475040b732d5adf3f8b2e7cd712914cdd23
Response Body:
"success": true,
"result": {
"chain": "MATIC",
"address": "0x1e857475040b732d5adf3f8b2e7cd712914cdd23",
"name": "Infinity Token",
"symbol": "IFT",
"maxSupply": 100,
"burnable": true,
"owner": "0x7312750DF4d2057b758a61C7017729c6Ec9bB3E9",
"onChainStatus": "SUCCEEDED"
2. Get all ERC20 token contracts
Request Endpoint: reference
GET /api/v3/erc20/contracts
Example Request:
GET /api/v3/erc20/contracts
Response Body:
"success": true,
"result": [
"chain": "MATIC",
"address": "0x693a40fc73c8f024684775e04d3b4e30144b569a",
"name": "Test Token X",
"symbol": "TTX",
"maxSupply": 20,
"burnable": true,
"owner": "0xca1d904420698464386C8a0B39eB4f176F6Ff450",
"onChainStatus": "SUCCEEDED"
"chain": "MATIC",
"address": "0x04b3bc2339caa20418394f67bad8a8df40ffdf8e",
"name": "Zap",
"symbol": "ZZZ",
"maxSupply": 1000000000000,
"burnable": true,
"owner": "0xb636F53AFc9Fe7fa7246E1c220DF2436936b4315",
"onChainStatus": "SUCCEEDED"
"chain": "AVAC",
"address": "0x9f0f5807e97f5114c2bba8cd86f0d603b053fd91",
"name": "Zap",
"symbol": "ZZZ",
"maxSupply": 1000000000000000000000000,
"burnable": true,
"owner": "0xb636F53AFc9Fe7fa7246E1c220DF2436936b4315",
"onChainStatus": "SUCCEEDED"
"chain": "AVAC",
"address": "0x8c2e84c37fa226fdaa13999a725a638dbf2bc6a0",
"name": "Zap",
"symbol": "ZZZ",
"maxSupply": 1000000000000000000000000,
"burnable": true,
"owner": "0x8952fcc43F55c60C3Bf4FD565ABdd066CC1aD60c",
"onChainStatus": "SUCCEEDED"
"chain": "MATIC",
"address": "0x022a39f06413e249b3739c573bdb28b98eac051b",
"name": "Infinity",
"symbol": "IFT",
"maxSupply": 100000000000000000000000,
"burnable": true,
"owner": "0xb636F53AFc9Fe7fa7246E1c220DF2436936b4315",
"onChainStatus": "SUCCEEDED"
Updated 6 months ago