Configure Venly SDK Manager

Now that we have created an Azure cloud function and configured that function in PlayFab, it is time to also configure it in the Venly SDK Manager.

1. Configure the Cloud function

  • Go to the SDK Manager.
  • Switch to the PlayFab Provider.
  • Fill in the correct Azure Cloud Function, in our example VenlyRelayFunction.
Configuring the Azure cloud function in the Venly SDK Manager

Configuring the Azure cloud function in the Venly SDK Manager

2. Acquired Authorization Context

The last thing we have to do is to give the PlayFab Provider the correct authorization context to call this function. This Authorization Context can only be acquired after logging in as a User with PlayFab. The AuthorizationContext is part of the LoginResult that is returned after a successful sign-in or signup through PlayFab. The AuthorizationContext must be passed to the PlayFab Provider using the following code:

//Set PlayFab Authorization Context Venly.SetProviderData(VyPlayfabRequester.AuthContextDataKey, loginResult.AuthenticationContext);
An example from the PlayFab Authorization Sample

An example from the PlayFab Authorization Sample


After this step, you should be able to make a call with the VenlyAPI using the PlayFab Backend Provider! 🎉

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