Archive a wallet

How to archive or unarchive a wallet.

Archiving a wallet will disable the transactions and signing of messages for a specific wallet. Consider archiving a wallet like a soft delete. You can unarchive a wallet whenever you want.

Archiving a wallet does not affect its assets. The assets in the wallet will be safe and secure. Archived wallets will no longer be returned in any of our endpoints and you will no longer be able to use it in any way.


You are able to unarchive a wallet at any time. You do however need the walletID to perform this operation. Make sure to store it somewhere to be able to unarchive the wallet at a later stage!

Request Endpoint: reference

PATCH /api/wallets/{id}
ParameterParam TypeDescriptionData TypeMandatory
idPathThis ID of the walletString
archivedBodyA boolean flag that indicates whether to archive the wallet or notBoolean

Example Request:

    "archived": true 

Response Body:

    "success": true,
    "result": {
        "id": "9e8af613-e8da-4fa6-8bcc-7e589d2c7d74",
        "address": "0xf51Be4152f8E3ad3557E44Db1F803bA3e4c5DeB5",
        "walletType": "THREEWAY_SHARED",
        "secretType": "ETHEREUM",
        "createdAt": "2022-04-05T08:29:44.026438",
        "archived": true,
        "description": "Likable Hedgehog",
        "primary": false,
        "hasCustomPin": false