
Transfer gas from one destination to another.

This function transfers gas (ex. ETH / VTHO / GAS / …​ ) from one address to another. The destination can be any blockchain address, a wallet, or a smart contract, it can even be an email address.


🧙 In case the chain doesn't have a distinct gas token the native token will be used in the transfer.

    walletId: '6683c01d-2e10-4982-9b3a-c6ecd45896bb',
    to: 'AN2VD52SLntUGFwzZyjzsRqBBkUzjKpKpT',
    value: 18,
    secretType: 'NEO',


🧙 You don’t have to take into account the number of decimals for different tokens, Venly handles that for you.

Example: If a token has 18 decimals and you want to transfer 1 token, provide the value 1. Venly will translate this to the correct non-decimal value (1 * 10e18).


signer.executeGasTransfer(gasTransferRequestDto, options?): Promise<SignerResult>




gasTransferRequestDtoTrueThe transfer request you want to execute. For more info on how this request should look like, see gasTransferRequestDto .
optionsFalseRedirect options you want to pass. Only available when using a REDIRECT signer


    walletId: '6683c01d-2e10-4982-9b3a-c6ecd45896bb',
    to: 'AN2VD52SLntUGFwzZyjzsRqBBkUzjKpKpT',
    value: 18,
    secretType: 'NEO',
}).then((signerResult) => {
   if (signerResult.success) {
       console.log(`Transaction ${signerResult.result.transactionHash} has been successfully executed!`);
   } else {
       console.warn(`Something went wrong while executing the transaction`);
}).catch((reason) => {


🧙 Using the network parameter, the node to which the transaction is sent can be set manually. It allows you to submit a transaction to any mainnet or testnet node of your choosing, public or private. ( Ethereum only)

Object Types
