Get NFTs by Chain

How to retrieve NFTs by blockchain.

Request Endpoint: reference

 GET /api/wallets/nonfungibles
ParameterParam TypeDescriptionTypeRequired
secretTypeQueryThe blockchain to filter and retrieve NFTs byArray of String

Example Request:


Response Body:

    "success": true,
    "result": [
            "walletId": "bcda28e9-e068-4352-aebc-147e6443bdcd",
            "walletAddress": "0x548372d982F478683FC1fc59b2e3224b4899fFBE",
            "walletType": "API_WALLET",
            "secretType": "ETHEREUM",
            "items": [
                    "id": "7",
                    "name": "My first NFT Token-type",
                    "description": "Venly",
                    "imageUrl": "",
                    "imagePreviewUrl": "",
                    "imageThumbnailUrl": "",
                    "animationUrls": [],
                    "fungible": false,
                    "contract": {
                        "name": "NFT Collection",
                        "description": "Sample description",
                        "address": "0x5bacbf6e75cae54c7dcd9c94d95ccf9c98f6ac74",
                        "symbol": "NFCO",
                        "media": [
                                "type": "image",
                                "value": ""
                        "type": "ERC_1155",
                        "verified": false,
                        "premium": false,
                        "isNsfw": false,
                        "categories": [],
                        "imageUrl": ""
                    "attributes": [
                            "type": "property",
                            "name": "Token Type ID",
                            "value": "1"
                    "balance": 1,
                    "finalBalance": 1,
                    "transferFees": false
                    "id": "6",
                    "name": "My first NFT Token-type",
                    "description": "Venly",
                    "imageUrl": "",
                    "imagePreviewUrl": "",
                    "imageThumbnailUrl": "",
                    "animationUrls": [],
                    "fungible": false,
                    "contract": {
                        "name": "NFT Collection",
                        "description": "Sample description",
                        "address": "0x5bacbf6e75cae54c7dcd9c94d95ccf9c98f6ac74",
                        "symbol": "NFCO",
                        "media": [
                                "type": "image",
                                "value": ""
                        "type": "ERC_1155",
                        "verified": false,
                        "premium": false,
                        "isNsfw": false,
                        "categories": [],
                        "imageUrl": ""
                    "attributes": [
                            "type": "property",
                            "name": "Token Type ID",
                            "value": "1"
                    "balance": 1,
                    "finalBalance": 1,
                    "transferFees": false