Update royalty for contract

This guide describes how to add/update the royalties for an NFT contract.

Update royalty for NFT contract

This endpoint is used to add/update the royalties for an NFT contract. You can add a royalty recipient wallet address and specify the royalty percentage. (only for contracts created with the NFT v3)

Request Endpoint: reference

 PUT /api/v3/erc1155/contracts/{chain}/{contractAddress}/royalties

Example Request

 PUT /api/v3/erc1155/contracts/MATIC/0x44260f782c8ae2cf62e31051920d206d19b475e5/royalties

Request Body

ParameterParam TypeDescriptionData TypeRequired
chainPathThis is the blockchain of the NFT contract.String
contractAddressPathThe NFT contract address whose royalties you wish to update.String
royaltiesRequest BodyThe royalties object includes the royalty recipient's wallet address and percentage.Object
royalties.receiverRequest BodyThe recipient wallet address where the royalties will be transferred.String
royalties.percentageRequest BodyThe percentage royalties that will be paid out automatically with each succeeding sale of an NFT in the secondary market. The royalty percentage can only contain up to 2 decimals.Number
>= 0 <= 100
    "royalties": {
        "receiver": "0x7312750DF4d2057b758a61C7017729c6Ec9bB3E9",
        "percentage": "2.5"

Response Body


You can check the transaction hash in a blockchain explorer to verify that the royalty of the NFT contract was updated successfully.

    "success": true,
    "result": {
        "transactionHash": "0x18642e49b6a677d0c431c65d99760e74d0d4393376530c2f0ebbf9881e9f7586"